Machining, Manufacturing, & Distribution business for sale Jacksonville, FL Area

Business Buyer Forms and Documents

Non-Disclosure, Confidentiality, Financials, etc

Disclosure Forms

If you are an individual seeking to purchase a business, the three (3) forms below must be printed, filled out completely, and faxed, email or mailed to our office.

Only after we receive this information will we be able to discuss the listings of Southern Mergers or any other listings we may have access to.

Your information will remain confidential with Southern Mergers and might possibly be shared with the Seller if he should request that if be disclosed.

Our contract with our clients requires us to obtain this information from all buyer inquiries.

If you are a corporate entity looking for an add-on acquisition, please clicdk the links below to complete the necessary two (2) forms:

1 - Corporate Buyer Confidentiality Agreement

2 - Corporate Buyer Questionnaire

If you are a private equity group and financial buyer, please complete the two (2) forms below. Be sure to identify those businesses you currently own and may be seeking add on acquisitions.

International Business Brokers Assn Sell a Jacksonville Business
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Southern Mergers & Acquisitions, a Jacksonville Business Broker Serving the Greater Jacksonville, Florida Area

255 S. Matanzas Blvd, St. Augustine, FL 32080 | (904) 819-6930